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The Deaf-Blind Multihandicapped Association of Texas

DBMAT 2024 Fall Camp was Great!


Here's the Agenda and links to the presentations:

     - TSBVI's Presentation on Teachers of the Deafblind

    - TSBVI's Routines Library

     - TSBVI's Transition Services

Camp Pics

SHARE AN ACTIVITY!!! This is an area where Members can post ideas used by Deaf-blind individuals to share with others. No personal information is to be posted here. Please be courteous of all members and abilities when sharing ideas.


Last message


July 16, 2020 9:36 PM Vivecca Hartman (Administrator)

Moments of Joy

For Members ONLY

We would be happy to add to this slideshow!  Please send your pictures of Moments of Joy to:

Here's Resources shared from our 2023 DBMAT CAMP

 The Agenda and links to the presentations:

     - DBMAT History (English) (Spanish)

     - TSBVI's Value of Family Engagement: "Together, we CAN DO IT"

     - Legislative Update 2023

     - Creating Personal Networks

Check out our 2022 Spring Newsletter!   

    2022 DBMAT Newsletter.pdf


Resources from 2021 Camp  AGENDA 

GOT TRANSITION? This information is not just for our DeafBlind!  It is great for any individual trying to navigate the healthcare system into adulthood  

What is Health Care Transition?



Resources SHARED FROM 2020 cAMP:

We understand this pandemic has been EXTREMELY hard for everyone.  We were hopeful to have Camp, but for everyone's safety we will have to look forward to seeing you next year.  Here are resources we had started to gather for Camp and more that we wanted to share during this pandemic:

Official Website of the

Deaf-Blind Multihandicapped Association of Texas - DBMAT

The mission of DBMAT is to promote and improve the quality of life for all Texans who are deaf-blind multihandicapped, deaf multihandicapped, and blind multihandicapped. 

"There are people that come into your life for special reasons. Sometimes, we don‘t understand why right away, but I have learned to accept that they are here not to change who you are, but to enhance your life and to teach you."

                                                                                                     -Melanie Knapp (excerpted from "Christian & His Intervener")

Please explore this site and learn what we do,

why we do it, and how you can get involved!

Donate Here!


  • No upcoming events


  • Virtual DBMAT CAMP/CONFERENCE More info later

  • If you don't know your password, please follow forgot password prompt.

Join us now!

STORY of Interest

Christian and his Intervener -


In Honor of Christian, DBMAT is the proud host of the Christian Knapp Memorial Golf Tournament.  This is hosted annually in the Fall.

To Contact us call Our President:      713-231-7508

A PUBLIC Group you can Join!

  A Private Group you can Join!

Here are printable flyers to share with Families:


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